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Stretched Canvas

Ridiculously artistic custom printed stretched canvas

Wall Art
Stretched Canvas Custom stretched canvas wall art that will make any room pop. Custom stretched canvas wall art that will make any room pop.

$55.71 - 95.65 Product Cost*

$69.95 - 119.95 Suggested Retail Price

Product Description
Create art that will stand out from your walls - literally. This digital glicée print on white canvas is made with top of the line on demand printing equipment that results in the finest custom stretched canvas wall art with the crispest of colors.
  • Digital glicée print on white canvas, unprinted canvas edging
  • Archival ink, ultra smooth finish
  • Available in sizes from 8x10 to 24x36
  • Available in portrait or landscape
  • Created with dye sublimation heat transfer printing, resulting in crisp, high quality colors
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* Each Artist Shops product has a Base Cost, which is equal to the Product Cost plus a 5% processing fee based on the purchase price of that product. To calculate your earnings, subtract the Base Costs from the purchase price and you keep the difference.